Tag Archives: craig okpala

A Powerful Song I’d Love for You to Hear

This came as a short announcement on facebook, but it was so exciting for me to see the release of the song Here’s My Life, written and performed by Craig Okpala, pastor at Hope Church NYC (and produced by the the ever-talented Paul Kim).

We’ve been singing this song as a congregation for the past few weeks, and it so aptly captures the heart cry of so many of our people.

Many were surprised when they heard it was an original song written by Craig.

Craig also shares the story of this song in the sermon below.  Powerful.


Thank you, friend, for creating music that touches the heart. May it bless many!

Reflections from Seoul – October 2013

Tina, David, and I got back late last night from Seoul, and despite our ruthless bout with jetlag, it’s good to be home.

The past few years, whenever I’ve gone to Seoul, my trips there have afforded me an opportunity for extended reflection, an oddity considering the pace and scope of a city life Seoul.

This time was no different, and I thought I’d share some reflections from my time.

1.  My Parents’ Generation Knows Suffering and Sacrifice In a Way I Will Likely Never Know – It’s amazing seeing photos from my parents’ childhood.  South Korea was a war-torn country, and the stories they tell of the scarcity of food and resources is astounding.

Seoul is an amazing modern, advanced city today.

Seoul is an amazing modern, advanced city today.

And yet, if you were to go to Seoul, you would see/know so little of that kind of life.  Seoul is one of the most modernized, bustling, technologically booming cities in the world.

This might be generalizing things way too much, but the city and people (including immigrants who have come to the States) have profited from a generation of people like my dad and mom who have worked tirelessly for the well-being of the next generation.

Bringing David with us was a special treat (and considerably cheaper because he’s not yet 2 years-old), and I thought a lot about the kinds of sacrifices I want to make for him.

I teared up thinking about all the fears and difficulties my parents had to face as they uprooted themselves from their native land, learned a new language and culture, faced endless battles with racism and not-spicy enough food…

In all seriousness, I hope I can be as brave and sacrificial for my family the way my parents have been for me.

2.  I Want to Go Back to Blogging More – Starting a church and having a newborn was a bit difficult to manage time-wise, but I think I’m ready to dive back into blogging since it’s something I really enjoy.  Please pray for me as I made this decision coincide with the start of the NBA season.

(I know, it’s funny to write about sacrifice then write about how I want more time to myself!)

If it wasn't for Tina, I wouldn't take David to go meet Tigers like this one.

If it wasn’t for Tina, I wouldn’t take David to go meet Tigers like this one.

3.  Tina has Increased My Life Experiences by 1000% – Trust me, I would not travel this much if it were not for her, and I would not climb up Namsan Tower (Seoul Tower) or go to Aquariums or Zoos if it wasn’t for her.  She’s expanded my life in so many ways!

4.  Speaking of Tina, I Married a True Gem – I try not to write about Tina as much, because she really prefers to be anonymous and unknown in many ways.  But seeing her spend time with her grandmother, aunt, and other family members was truly a treat.  It’s amazing how much love Tina has for extended family, and how she creates an environment of warmth with those she loves.

5.  I LOVE Hanging Out with David, Especially at His Age – David’s almost 21 months now, and he’s so flippin’ cute.  He’s talking a bit now, and it’s so much fun communicating with him.  My favorite line from him is hearing him say, “Are you okay, Abba?” when he knows I’m flustered.

800px-HotteokfillingWith Tina running errands around the city and me being phoneless, David and I spent a lot of time together strolling the streets of Seoul, neither of us able to communicate clearly with the locals there.

Thankfully, we both learned how to say “hodduk” with amazing accuracy.

6.  I Feel So Incredibly Thankful to Be Part of Hope Church NYC – The last time I was in Seoul, the seeds of Hope were planted, and it’s amazing how far God has brought us since then.  While I was away for 10 days, the church flourished without me, which is an absolute dream.

It helps to work with awesome leaders like Kristian Hernandez, Craig Okpala, Dan Sadlier, and Amanda Chapman, each who led in different ways over the past few days.

Oh, and just so you know, Dan Sadlier & Amanda Sadlier are starting a new church on Roosevelt Island that launches soon, and yep, it’s gonna be awesome.

7.  This Might Be Bold, But Seoul is My Favorite Food City – I love, love, love the food in Seoul.  It has the best Korean food overall (although Korean BBQ in LA is probably better), and all the stuff I like from other countries – pizza, burgers, fried stuff, street food – are actually really good in Seoul.  Somehow all of those things, especially the bread in Seoul, really fits my palate, and I came to the startling revelation that I like eating in Seoul more than I like eating in New York, Los Angeles, Houston, or Berkeley.

The one thing I missed is Mexican food, but we actually tried this fusion Korean-Mexican place that was delicious.

Oh, and Ippudo opened in Seoul for half the price and no wait whatsoever.

Oh, and did I mention Hodduk?

Final thoughts/highlights from Midwinter 2013

Midwinter 2013 ended today.  It was a great time.  You can see my reflections from earlier in the week here.

As I share these final thoughts, I need to make it clear that I’ve probably had a different experience than many others because I was in a class all week learning about the Evangelical Covenant Church.

From what I’ve heard, the conference itself was quite encouraging.

Anyhow, here are some final thoughts/highlights from my time:

1) Meeting some “Living Legends” of the ECC was a Real Highlight – On Wednesday night, our class had a chance to visit a retirement community from the Evangelical Covenant Church, and we had the opportunity to hear from men and women in their 70s-90s who had served in vocational ministry in various places around the world ranging from San Diego to Ecuador.  Collectively, there was over 500 years of vocational ministry experience amongst this distinguished yet anonymous group (btw, they didn’t call themselves Living Legends – we did).

Some were church planters, some missionaries, a professor, and also the wife of an ECC missionary who was martyred in the Congo.

It was an EXTRAORDINARY time.

Some notable quotes:

“Anybody can count the seeds in an apple, but nobody can count the apples in a seed”

“You know you have worked on a sermon when the sermon has worked on you.”

“God is no respecter of denominations when we stand before him.”

I could have sat at their feet all day long to hear their stories and glean their wisdom.

2)  The Culture of the Evangelical Covenant Church is One that Really Attracts Me – The culture of the denomination is hard to describe, but after a week of hanging with Covenant folks, I think I have a clearer sense of why people say that “Covenant is caught, not taught.”

One can read all about the Covenant and learn of its immigrant history and humble beginnings, its emphasis on being mission friends rather than parsing theological minutiae, and its heart for the whole gospel for the whole world.

But here are some things in the culture of the denomination that I “caught” at Midwinter.

– Humility – It’s always hard to say something self-complimentary about humility, but yeah, the Covenant, especially its leaders, are really humble people.

In our class, we had some big-wigs come to our class, people I have no business hanging with, and they each came and presented with such humility, grace, and hospitality.

These people were kind, gentle, self-deprecating – it was awesome.  Each session we as a class had a chance to come around these folks and pray for them.

And here’s when I “caught” it.

In our classroom of about 40-ish students, It seemed like we had the most AV problems I’ve encountered since 1995 (this is a joke but you get my drift).

But all the presenters, including the president, just flowed with it and didn’t get frustrated or perturbed in the slightest bit.  He even laughed it off!

At one point, one of our regional superintendents went up to the powerpoint and started manually hitting the space bar to help out one of the other instructors as he was teaching.

No complaining, no “I’m better than this”, no “what’s the problem”.

It was awesome.

I couldn’t have “caught” this culture of mutual service and humility without being there.

– Ministry to the Under-resourced – At the beginning of our class, we all had a chance to go around the room and share about our ministry contexts around the country.

What really stood out to me was how many churches talked about their ministries to the under-resourced, despite the varying size of their city or church.

I was really struck by this, and I could see how mission really is a common thread in ECC churches/ministries.

– Race, Compassion, & Justice – I must admit, I was a bit shocked at how many white people there were at Midwinter.  But then I remembered it was founded by Swedish immigrants!

But, I could see how intentional the ECC is in empowering people of color and women on stage and in positions of influence.

In one of the main evening sessions of the conference (I was able to attend evening sessions), the topic – from sermon to songs to prayer – was on compassion and understanding toward immigrants.

Uh, how many denominations are devoting an entire plenary on that subject?

Very cool.

– Generous Orthodoxy – Throughout the week I heard people quote Desert Fathers, Greg Boyd, Soong-Chan Rah, Rob Bell, & John Piper.

I don’t think all these people will be dining together soon, but at the Covenant table, we’re all welcome as we discuss “Where’s it written?”

3)  I Really Love our East Coast Conference – I absolutely LOVE hanging with these cats.  I especially appreciate the leadership of Howard Burgoyne, Jason Condon, and Kreig Gammelgard, because they embody so much of the above.

Plus, they know how to throw a great dinner party.  Those tacos… wow!

4)  I Love What We’re Doing at Hope Church NYC, and I Love Working Alongside Craig Okpala – I’m so energized by what’s happening at Hope, and I’m so excited for its future.  It felt really meaningful to be so new to the denomination and yet to hold to much of what the Covenant is about.

And yeah, I’m just so, so excited about all that’s to come for us as we seek to extend hope in Astoria and beyond.

I also got to spend the week with Craig Okpala, and that’s been so much fun.  We shared, laughed, ate lots of Mexican Food, and even had all-you-can eat Korean BBQ in Los Angeles.  So much fun.

I’m so honored to be planting this church with Craig, and I’m thankful to be working with someone I greatly respect but also someone I’m privileged to call my friend.

I think what’s been most fulfilling about church planting in general has been being able to do life and mission with my friends, and that seems wholly appropriate for us as we’re part of a movement that started out with the title “Mission Friends”.

Mission Friends.

I like that.

I like that very much.