why i love summer in nyc

following this post, i’ll likely put up another one entitled “why i don’t like summers in nyc”.  but for now, i’ll celebrate my reasons for loving this city so much during june-august.

Our staff team can dance.  We have depth, versatility, and fearlessness.

Our staff team can dance. We have depth, versatility, and fearlessness.

1)  parks.  i know this sounds strange coming from someone who grew up in socal, but I probably spend more time outdoors in nyc than I did when I was in cali.  I think it’s because parks here are more accessible, and in a walking culture, I’m much more apt to aimlessly wander into a park by foot, rather than having to plan on going to a park by car.

In addition to this, I find it so amusing that “parks” in nyc often don’t have many trees.  They have jungle gyms, playgrounds, basketball courts, handball courts, and benches.  There might be a few trees around, but for the most part, many parks I’ve been to in nyc lack foliage.

2) shows.  i haven’t taken advantage of any of the free shows this summer, but just knowing that they’re free makes me happy to be in the city.

there are actually free outdoor summer movies right next to our apartment on roosevelt island.  lemme know if you’d like to come watch one here.  http://www.rioc.com/upcomingevents.htm

also, helen sung, jazz pianist extraordinaire, has a number of different free gigs throughout the city.  check out her music at www.helensung.com.

there are so many other very talented musicians/performance artists with gigs throughout the city. very fun.

btw, if anyone comes across free tickets to anything, please call me.

3)  walks.  this relates to #1, but I never took walks in california.  here, i take walks quite frequently.

4)  air-conditioning at new life.  you will only understand this if you were around before the summer of 2005.

5)  quiet offices at new life.  i certainly miss when everyone’s away, but it’s nice not having as many staff meetings.

6)  whiffle ball.  again, this relates to #1.  where there’s a park, there’s an opportunity to play whiffle ball.

7)  eating good food.  tina and i are more apt to try new restaurants during the summer months.  and of course, nyc is home to some of the best eateries.

8)  bodies of water.  it’s nice to be by flowing water during the summer time (not a fan of mosquitos and lakes).

9)  outreaches at moore park.  making balloons, painting faces, and playing basketball.  always fun.

10)  weddings.  great fun and celebration.

Our pastors AND their spouses can dance.  This would probably up our rating if there was ever a competition.

Our pastors AND their spouses can dance. This would probably up our rating if there was ever a competition.

in a somewhat related note, i know this might sound really presumptuous, but i’m 95% sure that we have the best dancing pastoral staff in the country.  I’ll take our dancing pastors over any other staff around the country.  We have depth, versatility, and fearlessness.  Maybe we can start a Pastoral Staff Dance Competition someday.

hmmm, anyone else have thoughts on what you like about nyc in the summertime?

4 responses to “why i love summer in nyc

  1. it’s really awesome that your staff can dance. you should start a america’s best pastoral dance crew competition. i can play the shane sparks character… “that was sick! respect yo’self!”

  2. we’ll perfect the following response after you say that as a judge:

    – The double fist pound on the heart and point upward.
    – The blowing a kiss at the judge (our female dancers).

  3. Ivan D Mossop, Jr. EA


    Re: Summers and Roosevelt Island – One of my warm and cozy memmories is when I took my kids Malcolm and Clarissa at the time (about ages 6 and 9)over the Roosevelt Tram ( felt to to them like a Great Adventure amusement ride) had lunch and spent the day with a soocer ball in one of Roosevelt Islands parks


  4. i’m especially enjoying the east coast bc of their parks too!!! – v

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